Category: Technology

Virtual Reality Applications Give Science a New Dimension

Published 17 February

Most of us have heard of virtual reality through gaming. Video game technology is advancing and right now, VR headsets are trending. While gamers are taking advantage of augmented reality, they aren’t the only ones. VR isn’t only for entertainment. In fact, it has scientific applications that scientists are taking advantage of. Not only in the studies of molecular structures, but in medicine, scientists are using it.

So far, there are a small number of labs

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A Crash Course in Two-Factor Authentication

Published 17 February

An increasing number of applications, services, and websites rely on two-factor authentication to increase security. Data breaches, hacks, malware, and theft have become very common, and even strong passwords are not capable of completely securing user accounts.

A second authentication factor is also not guaranteed to be foolproof, but it can be helpful for making enterprises and individual users more secure and protected. This brief crash course explains what this two-stage authentication process is, the methods

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New Innovative Encryption Methods for the Modern Data Center

Published 17 February

Data security has long relied on traditional tools such as anti-virus software, intrusion detection protocols, firewalls and even physical measures, but what happens when these methods don’t keep hackers out or they strike while information is being transferred between data centers? Critical information such as intellectual property and confidential records is always vulnerable, especially with higher data transmission volumes and movement of information from data centers to third-party sites. Fortunately, new encryption techniques to answer

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Why Is Cloud Computing Critical For the Future?

Published 17 February

The term “cloud computing” was first used in a contemporary sense by the CEO of Google in 2006. Though network-based computing has a long history, the cloud has transformed distributed and remote access and storage over the past decade. During this time, artificial intelligence and machine learning have begun being implemented in ways that call for immense processing power and data distribution capabilities. This technology works together to sustain the dense information ecology of the

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Why We Desperately Need Better Cybersecurity

Published 17 February

We all rely on technology in one form or another to make our personal and professional lives easier. However, the more we use technology is the more we open up our lives to threats, which often come in the form of stealing and misusing our personal information. From data breaches at big banks to viruses making their way onto our laptops, cyber threats are becoming not just more prevalent, but more dangerous. So, here are

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A Guide to Video Sharing Websites

Published 17 February

Whether you tend to spend more time using on-demand video of livestreaming, one thing is for sure: mobile video is the future of entertainment, education and even employment. Videos make people feel more connected and entice them to interact more often than they otherwise would. If you’re ready to start recording, check out this guide to popular video sharing platforms and determine which one may be right for you.



YouTube is by far the most popular

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Why You Should Consider a Smart Home

Published 17 February

Today technology permeates almost every sector of our lives. Whether you are receiving health care, shopping or driving along a toll road, you encounter some form of security or technology that makes your experience easier. Therefore, it was only a matter of time before internet technology found its way into the space we value most, our homes.

These smart homes are named after their interconnected electronic system that monitors a home at every hour of the

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7 Benefits of Video Conferencing

Published 17 February

In this day and age, convenience is key. With VOIP, or Voice Over Internet Protocol, you can see and speak to several people in real time – all by using your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can schedule meetings, teach classes, share knowledge, market products and interact with people all over the world without ever leaving your home or office. Video conferencing allows people to break free of normal restraints in communication and enables you

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Say Yes to Security, Invest in the Cloud

Published 17 February

As a business owner, what do you know about the cloud? Cloud technology uses grid computing, designers worked on it so that there was no one fault that would destroy the whole system. In the IT world, it is a system that offers incredible security. In the past, when you wanted security, you had to build robust servers on-site. For a lot of businesses, this is too expensive and complicated. Not everyone has

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